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Maserati Spark The Next

A car launch charged with audacity


The Ghibli Hybrid is Maserati’s first step into an electric future. We needed to reimagine the car launch formula to create impact and reignite the brand with its new audacious mindset.


Hybrid car marketing is well-trodden. We set out to avoid sameness by focussing on the cultural and creative hybrids, who would ignite tomorrow. Those who get behind the wheel of the Ghibli Hybrid and drive the world forward.


'Spark the Next' was our campaign rallying cry to those daring enough to own their future. We shocked the system with teasers that audaciously ignited Maserati Tower. Then launched the car with a film that sparked the attitude with a live digital launch.

still from the maserati video
still from the maserati video
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still from the maserati video
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still from the maserati video
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still from the maserati video